Resources for Teachers
Many fifth graders and their teachers would tell you that participation in Hope of America is one of the highlights of their school year! Hope of America, offered at no cost, may be implemented in a single classroom, performed as a grade level assembly at a school, or students and their teachers may join with 8,000 other performers in the Marriott Center for an exciting evening production filled with powerful and inspiring patriotic music.

First, review the FAQs page and download the Teacher Timeline. These will give you an overview and outline expectations. Once your school has registered on our website, your teachers may access the audio recordings and training videos. They may also download and reproduce the lyrics pages. All needed materials are available on this site. Teachers may begin teaching songs to students at any time. Some start in the fall, others begin after winter break. Our HOA team is happy to visit your school to answer questions. Reach out to us at
Hope of America Event Playlist
Music tracks courtesy of Classroom Classics and Prime Recordings, Inc. Any reproduction or use of these materials outside of the terms or conditions here stated (in-classroom use and at-school performance for groups registered as participants in Hope of America) is strictly prohibited by law without the written consent of the publishers. All Rights Reserved.
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